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What is the update rate of the Soft Travel Limit Status bits?

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Performing a torque move, setting Soft Travel limits (SLN,SLP) and enabling them (SLE) to catch if it travels too far while trying to apply torque. Motor will stop and fault, but a quick check of the either the historical or real time soft travel limits does not indicate a limit was hit; wait for approx 1 second and then the limits show up.

Is this how the limits are supposed to work? Should it really take that long for a limit to show up?
Any way to speed up this response?


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Hello, thanks for the reply.
I'm using Labview communication through serial. After I saw your post, I wrote a small program for the smartmotor to capture the time between falling edge of Bt and rising edge of Brs or Bls - it appears it sets the flag pretty quick, a millisecond or so.
If I write the same code in Labview and send the commands/receive responses, I don't see the Bls or Brs until up to 900 milliseconds later.
So I must be having serial comms issues someplace. However, I am able to read Bt, position, torque, etc immediately - like within 20 or 30 milliseconds. So it's a bit confusing, I'll be digging into it further today.

Posted : 12/04/2016 2:40 pm
Posts: 66
Trusted Member Guest

Where are you seeing them show up after 1 second. Is it in the Motor View through the SMI software or are you using the SmartMotor Playground?
Baud rate can be a factor in either as well as whatever other programs are running on your PC.
The best test would be to tie these status bits to real-time outputs on the motor and monitor them visually with an LED, scope, or a really fast DVM.
Do you see the motor fault bit immediately... from wherever you're seeing the real time soft travel limit bits?

I'll be happy to check your code if you'll paste it in response.

Posted : 12/04/2016 2:55 pm
Posts: 3
New Member Guest

Hello, thanks for the reply.
I'm using Labview communication through serial. After I saw your post, I wrote a small program for the smartmotor to capture the time between falling edge of Bt and rising edge of Brs or Bls - it appears it sets the flag pretty quick, a millisecond or so.
If I write the same code in Labview and send the commands/receive responses, I don't see the Bls or Brs until up to 900 milliseconds later.
So I must be having serial comms issues someplace. However, I am able to read Bt, position, torque, etc immediately - like within 20 or 30 milliseconds. So it's a bit confusing, I'll be digging into it further today.

Posted : 13/04/2016 9:55 am
Posts: 3
New Member Guest

Hello, thanks for the reply.
I'm using Labview communication through serial. After I saw your post, I wrote a small program for the smartmotor to capture the time between falling edge of Bt and rising edge of Brs or Bls - it appears it sets the flag pretty quick, a millisecond or so.
If I write the same code in Labview and send the commands/receive responses, I don't see the Bls or Brs until up to 900 milliseconds later.
So I must be having serial comms issues someplace. However, I am able to read Bt, position, torque, etc immediately - like within 20 or 30 milliseconds. So it's a bit confusing, I'll be digging into it further today.

Posted : 13/04/2016 10:01 am