Traverse Take-Up Wi...
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Traverse Take-Up Winding (Spooling)

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I am trying the Traverse Take-Up Winding (Spooling) application.

Need advise the Hardware Setup.
Are the 2 motors connected with RS232 daisy chain?
On 15 Pin connector, is Master/Slave connection required?

I have downloaded the Sample program(Class 5 Demo Traverse and Takeup.sms) from Animatics Support.
Where to download this program? Both motors?

Posted : 24/06/2014 6:38 pm
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

It is best to have the RS232 daisy chain for any application.

The sample program is meant to be loaded into the Traverse motor... but it expects to have the CAN interface installed. If you don't have the CAN option on your motor... you will need to modify the program. In this sample program... you also have to type commands like GOSUB5 for a homing routine... and GOSUB50 to make the Traverse motor active in follow mode. For testing, I would just clear out lines 3-13... which disables the CAN commands... and test it on the bench(Not connected to anything you can wreck) with the GOSUB50.

For wiring on the 15-pin D-Sub... you must have the Take-up motor's encoder out lines (pins 8,9, and 13) tied to the Traverse motor's encoder input lines (pins 1,2, and 13). After doing the GOSUB50... any movement of the Take-up motor shaft... should cause movement on the Traverse motor.

Posted : 24/06/2014 6:59 pm