SMIEngine C# ISMIPa...
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SMIEngine C# ISMIPath

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Hi All,

I'm trying to developp an application in C# but I can't create an instance of ISMIPath.

this command doesn't work:
ISMIPath myPathInterface = new ISMIPath();

How can I make an instance? How works the constructor? (if there is one...)

The VBClient sample cannot be simply converted.
' Create SMIHost object and interfaces
PathInterface = CommInterface

Thanks for your help
Kind regards

Posted : 14/06/2011 3:26 am
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

Hi Lionel,

Please try the following...

SMIHostClass Host2 = new


Host2.EndSpeed = 1000;

Posted : 14/06/2011 12:53 pm
Posts: 2
New Member Guest
Topic starter


My problem is not to creat a SMIHost object, my problem is to create a ISMIPath object.

I can declare a ISMIPath object but I cannot make an Instance of this object.

ISMIPath myPathInterface; // Works

myPathInterface= new ISMIPath(); // Doesn't work

Posted : 16/06/2011 11:08 pm
Posts: 6
Active Member Guest

An SMIHost object is an ISMIPath object. You should be able to just assign an SMIHost to an ISMIPath typed variable. An interface works something like a superclass.

Posted : 29/11/2012 2:04 pm