pollling motor to d...
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pollling motor to determine if RUN program is complete

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is there a cmd I can use to ask the SM2315 if the program it is running (when I issue RUN)is complete? In the past I've used temporary variables ("zz", for example), set them to 0 at the start of a home program and set them to 1 when the program is complete - then have the host poll that variable. Is there a better way?

Posted : 08/11/2010 4:48 am
Posts: 4
New Member Guest

Class 4 motors do not have that ability. Our newer class 5 motors do though.
One trick in class 4 motors to see if a program is running is to place code such as x=x+1 in various places throughout the program and then poll x to see if it is still increasing.

Class 5 motors actually have a status but showing programs as running.

Posted : 08/11/2010 5:16 am