Limits on small mot...
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Limits on small motor moves?

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Posts: 3
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I'm using SM1720D85C-DE in a current design. Due to the hardware design and customer's specs I need to be able to make numerous 'small' (~15-40 motor counts) moves in the same direction. I've adjusted the position error down to 15 (E=15 F) and tried PID settings both 'tight' and 'loose' (defined/calculated by SSI application). I'm seeing what I believe is odd behaviour. For the most part everything works as expected BUT at seemingly random intervals the motor will 'jump' forward/backward by ~350ish motor counts. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.


Posted : 16/07/2012 5:54 am
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

Hi JT,
Please send your program to and we will try to determine the cause.

Posted : 16/07/2012 12:56 pm