Download motor prog...
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Download motor program (Firmware)

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I wanted to know how can I download or update the motor program without SMI software. What I am trying to do is to download and run the program by sending the command to the motor over serial. Can anyone please explain the procedure to do this. Thank You.

Posted : 27/07/2016 7:53 pm
Posts: 66
Trusted Member Guest

If you're using a host... programmed in C++ or VB... you can use our DLL. Install the SMI software... and a directory will be created called SMIEngine (C:Program Files (x86)AnimaticsSMIEngine on my system). There is a .chm file that explains how to use it. The samples subdirectory has the files needed for compiling. This will allow downloading of a program.

If you only need to do simple serial control... you can open a port and send commands to the motor. The address for Motor1 is 0x81 (Motor2 is 0x82)... which has to be prefixed to any command sent to Motor1. All commands must be terminated with a CR or a SPACE.

Posted : 27/07/2016 8:05 pm
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Thank you, I will take a look into using DLL option.

For the second comment, I know about sending command through serial. What I meant in my question is that is there a command or a way I can download the program to the motor over.

For example:

or may be send some set of hex code to the motor to initiate the download..something like that.

I am building a UI in python (in Linux) and I am talking to the motor over serial, but I also want to upgrade the motor firmware through serial by sending the file (compiled file) over serial using some commands if it is supported by the motor.

Do you know if this is possible?

Posted : 27/07/2016 8:33 pm
Posts: 3
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I am not sure if my reply went through as I dont see it here.

Thanks for the info. I will take a look at DLL.

What I am trying to find is a way to send command to motor to download the code over serial. For example:

something like that...

I am building a GUI using python (in Linux) that communicates with motor over serial. I want to implement motor firmware upgrade feature in my GUI and in order to do that I am looking for a way to download the code using a command if it is possible.

Is there a way to do that? or using SMIEngine is the only way?

For SMIEngine which sample code should I compile to get the firmware update over serial. Does this give me an object file??? which I can use in my python to pass the file name and motor address to initiate the program download??

Posted : 27/07/2016 10:18 pm