Buffered Movement a...
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Buffered Movement and Time

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I am using 2 motors to move a sewing machine based on a file containing a pattern.

I can use the ISMICMotion interface to buffer the points, but I'm having difficulty controlling the speed.

When I call WriteClock, I'm limited to values that are the power of 2 (e.g. 128, 256, 512), etc. But the difference between these values causes large differences in the overall time of the pattern movement (e.g. at 128 the pattern takes 27 seconds; at 256, the pattern takes 54 seconds; at 512 the patterns takes 81 seconds; etc.)

I want to have better control of the time granularity. I.E. I want to be able to make the pattern take 45 seconds. However, based on my understanding, I cannot select a time value between 128 and 256.

Question: How do I get finer control over the time for buffered movement?

Alternatively, I have issued the "MP" command in non-host mode, and issued the movement points using "1P=9255", "2P=243". After issuing approx. 15 points, I send the "0G". I understand that this is supposed to issue a buffered move. But I have no idea if the buffer is full or not.

Question: How do I determine buffer current fullness/underflow/overflow when I'm in non-host, "MP" mode?

Thanks in advance.

-Shaun Johnson

Posted : 08/12/2010 6:52 am
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

You are limited to those values (128, 256, 512 etc.) when using Class4 motors. You will have to change the number of points to obtain the desired result.

In Mode Position (MP), each command must be terminated with a CR or a SPACE. No commands will be buffered.

Posted : 09/12/2010 6:52 am
Posts: 6
Active Member Guest
Topic starter

When I'm in MP mode, what happens if I issue a new position (e.g. "1P=225") before the previous move has completed? Does the new command get buffered, or does it override the current move?

Posted : 09/12/2010 6:57 am
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

The new command will override the current move when followed by a "G".

Posted : 09/12/2010 7:10 am