Abrupt stop in high...
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Abrupt stop in high vleocity mode

3 Posts
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New Member Guest

I issued the following commands:

After issuing the G command, the motor started to accelarate, reaching high speed and then abruptly and unexpectedly stopped. The red LED on the motor turned red and no commands were respected anymore.
What could be the reason? I need to run the motor at high speed but am afraid to damage it.
After disconnecting and connecting again the power supply, the motor went on performing a previously downloaded program in MP.
Thank you

Posted : 13/12/2012 2:08 am
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

What is your power supply voltage? The motor can operate from 24-48VDC, but the speed is de-rated by 50% if the supply is 24VDC.
You can open up a Motor View window to see what error stopped the motor.

Posted : 13/12/2012 4:46 pm
Posts: 10
Active Member Guest

Thank you for your reply!
When pooling it shows a little bit more than 48 VDC. Another issues are that 1) sometimes there's no feedback from the motor, i.e. it doesn't pool, even if pooling activated; 2) when in Position Mode, after executing the program, the motor goes servoing oscillating back and forth, practically not reaching the assigned position.

Posted : 13/12/2012 11:11 pm