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There is a library of mathematics functions for the SmartMotors?

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Posts: 12
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Hi, I am trying to program the signal: sin(x). Then i'd like to know if there is a library with mathematics functions. If there isn`t what is the way to mahe this. I want to put the motor to dance. I am working in a laboratory of vibrations and thats it...

Plase tell me or give an idea to make this.

Posted : 12/01/2012 1:32 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

The following Math functions are available with the Class5 Smartmotor.

FSQRT(x) Floating Point Square Root(x=float where x >= 0)
FABS(x) Floating Point Absolute Value (x = float)
SIN(x) Floating Point Sine (x = float in degrees)
COS(x) Floating Point Cosine (x = float in degrees)
TAN(x) Floating Point Tangent (x = float in degrees)
ASIN(x) Floating Point Arc Sine in degrees on [-90,90],(x = float on the interval [-1,1])
ACOS(x) Floating Point Arc Cosine in degrees on [0,180],(x = float on the interval [-1,1])
ATAN(x) Floating Point Arc Tangent in degrees on [-90,90] ,(x = float)
PI Floating Point representation of PI = 3.14159265359…

Posted : 13/01/2012 7:46 am
Posts: 12
Active Member Guest
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Hi, can you write an example where i can see the way to use that functions, and other thing, tell me where did you find that functions, that will be useful

Posted : 13/01/2012 12:50 pm
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

The an example of the usage for the SIN function would be as follows...


All of the Math functions are listed in the Class 5 users manual... available at

Posted : 13/01/2012 3:18 pm
Posts: 12
Active Member Guest
Topic starter


I got a SmartMotor witrh the next description:

Model: SM2337D (That´s it)
Version: 4.15c

I don´t what is the class of my smartmotor. Can you tell me how to get that information???

Thanks for your time.

Posted : 16/01/2012 5:59 pm
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

The motor you have is a Class 4 motor. You can tell the difference between Class 4 and Class 5 by the firmware revision. Your motor firmware is 4.15. Any motors with firmware starting with 4 ...are Class 4 motors. All Class 5 motors will have a firmware revision that starts with 5.

Posted : 18/01/2012 10:21 am