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RS-485 Communication problem M-Style motor

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(@Daryl N.)
Posts: 7
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We are trying to get a single M-Style Smartmotor commanded over a rs-485 network. The motor is a SM23165MT-IP version We can command it using the SMI software with no problem. We are hooked up to an AB compactlogix L32E through a Ethernet IP to Ascii realtime automation gateway. When we send the command "RPA" out from the compactlogix The smartmotor receives the command and acts like it ignores it. We can type the command in the terminal window and the smartmotor responds correctly. Not sure what we are missing any help would be appreciated.


Posted : 13/02/2014 5:53 am
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

Hi Daryl,
If you open up the Serial Data Analyzer in SMI2 you can see exactly what is being sent to the motor with the RPA command. If the motor address is 1, it actually sends Hex81 before the RPA. Hex80 is global, Hex81 is Motor1, Hex82 is Motor2, etc.

Posted : 13/02/2014 6:09 am
(@Daryl N.)
Posts: 7
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Wish I could figure out a way to send a snap shot of the Serial data analyzer. This is what I see in the window. Address of the motor is 1

>81 52 50 41 0D |..RPA..


Posted : 13/02/2014 6:33 am
Posts: 316
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That's what I expected you would see. So you have to send Hex81 before the RPA and follow it with a carriage return which is Hex0D.

Posted : 13/02/2014 6:41 am
(@Daryl N.)
Posts: 7
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A little confused..... The first characters are Hex81 and the last Set is Hex0D. The command does include those values. Are you saying to follow the Hex81 with a carriage return as well?

Posted : 13/02/2014 6:57 am
Posts: 316
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No... the string coming out of your ASCII converter should look just like what you see in the serial data analyzer.

Posted : 13/02/2014 6:59 am
(@Daryl N.)
Posts: 7
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Sorry I don't think I was clear. That string that I referenced back a couple of posts is exactly what is coming from the ASCII convertor. That is why it is confusing me. Anything sent through the convertor is ignored the same command send through the SMI2 software responds just fine.


Posted : 13/02/2014 7:38 am
Posts: 316
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What you can do if you haven't yet, is connect the SMI2 software to the ASCII converter using a Null Modem cable (or by just swapping pins 2 and 3)... and verify that is "exactly" what is coming out of the converter... with no padded Line Feeds or other characters.
There is no reason the motor would ignore the command if it is in the correct format.

Posted : 13/02/2014 7:43 am
(@Daryl N.)
Posts: 7
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After reviewing the thread we decided to send the command through the terminal window and capture it with the serial data analyzer. This is the response.

>81 20
>52 50 41 20
>2D 33 30 36 38 35 32 36 0D
>52 50 41 20
>2D 33 30 36 38 35 32 36

(We sent the command twice)

Which is different then the way you described or what we have seen in the past motors that we used back in 2006.


Posted : 13/02/2014 7:54 am
Posts: 316
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A SPACE (Hex20) is also a valid delimiter for the SmartMotor. Do you have an addressing command in your motor program, such as ADDR=1 or SADDR1?
What does the SMI serial data analyzer capture from the ASCII converter? Did you try that?

Posted : 13/02/2014 8:04 am
(@Daryl N.)
Posts: 7
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Yes, look at post #1423 that is the what comes from the ASCII convertor. Which is in a different format then what the SMI2 software sends it. If I change the PLC program to send a "Space" instead of a carriage return what would you expect? This is the IP version motor that also contains Can open as an optional way to communicate. Is it possible that this motor requires a different format? The response from the motor includes a carriage return.

Posted : 13/02/2014 8:18 am
Posts: 316
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Please call me to discuss. 1-888-356-0357

Posted : 13/02/2014 8:29 am
(@Daryl N.)
Posts: 7
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After exhausting all other possibilities. Decided to recheck our wiring. We are using Turk cables instead of the ones supplied by animatics and found the cable I ordered was not the same as the one we received. Slight color code differences. After wiring it up correctly we now have communication to all devices. Why it would work through the SMI2 software is beyond me. It is working and the commands appear to work through hyperterminal as well. Thanks for all your help.


Posted : 17/02/2014 10:08 am