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Put the SmartMotor to dance

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Posts: 12
Active Member Guest
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Hi, do you know if there is a library with mathematics functions such as: sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), ln(x) and all that good functions. I want to program a function of velocity with sin(x). If there is no a library like the one i say, what is the way to make what i want?

I'll wait for your answers.

Posted : 12/01/2012 1:41 pm
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

The following Math functions are available with the Class5 Smartmotor.

FSQRT(x) Floating Point Square Root(x=float where x >= 0)
FABS(x) Floating Point Absolute Value (x = float)
SIN(x) Floating Point Sine (x = float in degrees)
COS(x) Floating Point Cosine (x = float in degrees)
TAN(x) Floating Point Tangent (x = float in degrees)
ASIN(x) Floating Point Arc Sine in degrees on [-90,90],(x = float on the interval [-1,1])
ACOS(x) Floating Point Arc Cosine in degrees on [0,180],(x = float on the interval [-1,1])
ATAN(x) Floating Point Arc Tangent in degrees on [-90,90] ,(x = float)
PI Floating Point representation of PI = 3.14159265359…

Posted : 13/01/2012 7:47 am