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problems connection rs-232 to smi

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Posts: 2
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Good afternoon,
I'm trying to connect the smart motor SM34165D to pc using RS-232 interface with the smart engine software(SMI). By activating the option "detect usb motors" or "detect motors on rs-232 chain" SMI software does not detect motor and I dont know why it´s happen. The 7W2 Combo D-sub connector cable is cut at one end (was already cut when I received the engine ...) connecting wires A1 and A2 to my source 27vdc - 37A and connecting wires 3,4,5 7W2 Combo D-sub connector rs232 female connector respectively 2,3,5
I do not have problems of power supply because it is new and the green LED motor blinks when I turn the engine source.

Have tried using rs-232 connector to usb, but the results were the same.

I've been reading the user guide smart engine but without success: (

Any help would be very useful. Good weekend.

Bruno Silva

Posted : 01/02/2014 6:15 am
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

Hi Bruno,
Please let me know if your problem has been resolved.

Posted : 05/03/2014 2:22 pm