Crestron control
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Crestron control

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I have the sm2316dt motor and was looking to control it via a crestron controller on rs-232. Is there a preset that I can recall? The motor is on a track and it only needs to travel left or right, basically an open or close position. I saw the 866 page programming guide but not really sure how to write a complete program inside of Crestron?

Posted : 02/04/2016 4:06 pm
Posts: 66
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I'm not very familiar with Crestron. I'm checking out their website for specifications. Which controller are you using?

Posted : 02/04/2016 7:59 pm
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A cp3n there is a serial/rs-232 port, that you would set for the baud, and typically write in a serial string, in hex, or ascii or even both. My concern is that when I searched here for control I found actual programs that are 2-3pages of programming code, not just a single string.

For example to turn on a panasonic projector it is stx PON, etx or in crestron 02PON3

thats why I was curious if there was a preset for the motor that could be recalled, as opposed to programming motor speed, torque, travel distance, run out etc everytime.

Posted : 02/04/2016 10:39 pm
Posts: 66
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It's a fully programmable motor. You have 1000 subroutines that can be downloaded to the firmware with a motor program. After powering on the motor with a program like this... you can send a simple command in ASCII like... GOSUB10 ...and the motor will execute that subroutine and stop at the RETURN statement (like 1000 mini programs). All of these subroutines can access data stored/loaded from EEPROM so that data is not lost on a power cycle.
One of our other engineers mentioned that Creston has already developed driver files for communicating with our motors. I don't have any other information on the drivers, but you may want to ask Creston about that.

Posted : 02/04/2016 10:55 pm
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great, thank you very much!

Posted : 03/04/2016 2:16 pm
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I have the motors working and it is really simple through the Crestron. I have the motor zero'd and the subroutine moves it 500,000 turns to the right. The question is on power outage the motor looses the position. If I restart the program it takes where ever it is as zero (which is dangerous as it will then run off the track).
I searched and found some references to battery backups, but wanted to know if there was a subroutine that ran and saved the position by itself. Actually wrote to the eprom as it was moving?

Posted : 13/04/2016 4:20 pm
Posts: 66
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Writing current position to EEPROM is possible, but doesn't compensate for the motor coasting to a stop or being moved when power is off. The best fix for the normal incremental encoder is to have a homing routine where you find a switch or a hard stop to "home" the motor after a power cycle.
If you can't use that approach, we offer two motors with an option for absolute battery backed encoders. The part numbers are SM23165MT and SM34165MT. For the absolute encoder you would add -FB01 at the end of the motor part number.

Posted : 13/04/2016 7:28 pm