Controlling two Sma...
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Controlling two SmartMotors with labview.

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I am controlling two motors with LabVIEW through a VI thats write and read on the serial port. When i connect just one motor the code is readed correctly. However, when i connect two motors just the first motor does what i want and the second does not.

I dont know if the serial port needs a different configuration. I hope you can helpe me.

As adiotional information i can tell you that i am using the Vi that is provided by NI in "Searh examples" You can find easily this VI in the examples.

I think that the SMI software does something else to write on the serial port when you conect two or more motors, and obviously the LabVIEW don't.

Thanks for your time.

Posted : 05/07/2012 8:16 am
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

If you have more than one motor on a daisy chain... they will need to have the command ECHO... and a unique address.

Detect your motor before opening the Serial Data Analyzer (the Nose icon).
To see the code sent for addressing... open the Serial Data Analyzer.
Send a command in the Blue Terminal window... Example: "1a=12345"
This will set the variable "a" in Motor1 equal to 12345.
Note: The Serial Data Analyzer will show this command prefixed with a Hex81 for Motor1. Motor2 is Hex82.. etc.

Posted : 05/07/2012 8:48 pm