Control a smarto mo...
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Control a smarto motor, using labview

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I'd like to know how to control a smart using labview by de serial port. If one of all you have been working this way, please help me. I'd like how to conect and everithing.

I'll wait for your ansmwer.

Posted : 21/10/2011 12:46 pm
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

You have two choices with Labview.
1. You can load our IntegMotorInterface.dll into labview and call routines from the .dll
2. You can use a Generic ASCII driver in Labview to send commands such as...


Posted : 21/10/2011 2:31 pm
Posts: 12
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Topic starter

Hi, thanks for the answer.
Now, i have another dude. How can i load the IntegMotorInterface.dll into labview?

Thanks for your time!!

Posted : 23/10/2011 2:42 pm
Posts: 316
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Attached is a link from National Instruments....

Posted : 23/10/2011 5:46 pm
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OK, i really thank you. However, there is a trouble, the tuto isn't very clear. I wasn't be able to load de *.dll. And lets supose that i do it. Then what's next? As you can see i am new in this and i am learning by myself, so please if is posible put a link where i can find all the information and if there is a link in spanish would be better.

Once thanks for your time.

Posted : 24/10/2011 11:19 am
Posts: 7
Active Member Guest

when you say using generic ascii to communicate you mean the Write Visa? I tried doing so, and it gives me an error.

as far as loading the dll, I went to Tools>Import>Shared Libarary
it opens a window that has only one option enabled (create VIs for a shared library)
when I click on Next it asks for the .dll and .h file
I found the dll file in windows/system32 and the3 h file in programfiles/animatics/
i tried UseEngineDlg.h and SMIDefs.h

for both of the h files when i click Next twice i get an error:
The shared library contains 4 function(s). But no function is found and recognized in the header file


any help?

Posted : 28/11/2011 9:46 am
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

I am sorry to say I don't have a copy of Labview to test this for you.

When the Animatics SMI2 software is installed, it creates a subdirectory under Program Files.
The path on my system is Program Files.. Animatics.. SMIEngine... Samples.
In the sample subdirectory, I have IntegMotorInterface.h and IntegMotorInterface.tlb. The IntegMotorInterface.dll will have been installed in your Windows... Systems subdirectories.

I would suggest using those when LabView asks for the .dll and the .h files.

Posted : 12/12/2011 5:06 pm
Posts: 4
New Member Guest

Were you able to successfully import the .dll & .h files?

If so, which did you use and exactly how did you do it?

Please help.

Posted : 17/05/2012 10:32 am
Posts: 6
Active Member Guest

I have tried this last suggestion but I get the same results as klimovitsky. Any other suggestions?

Posted : 16/07/2012 1:04 pm