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Communicating smartmotor to labview

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Does anyone have the VI to communicate the smartmotor to labview 2012? I am trying to control the smartmotor to labview, which then prints out the data in excel. Thanks!

Also I am using the legacy smartmotor.

Posted : 22/02/2013 9:35 am
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New Member Guest

I'm sorry... but we don't have a VI example to provide from Animatics. Other users have created these... but cannot post them on the forum due to file type. It is possible though... as many applications are operational using Labview with SmartMotors.
The usual approach is to send ASCII commands to the motor via RS232. Some values are write only... while others expect a response from the motor. Valid response data is followed by either a CR(0x0A) or a SPACE(0x20). These delimiters are also valid for commands sent to the motor.
The default values for RS232 communication to the SmartMotor are...
9600 Baud
8 Data bits
No parity
1 Stop bit

Note: You should verify communications to the motor with our SMI2 software before trouble shooting your Labview application. You can also use our Serial Data Analyzer to verify communications between Labview and the SmartMotor.

Posted : 24/02/2013 12:03 am
Posts: 1
New Member Guest

I wrote a program in Labview 7.1 that controls two SmartMotors separately (not daisychained, just different RS232 ports). I used the old VISA read/write VIs and I would be surprised if it didn't run in Version 12. The motors each have a short program uploaded to them via the SmartMotor Interface that configures the limit switches, but after that it's all Labview. This was the program burned onto one of the motors:
UCP set I/O port C as CW limit
UDM set I/O port D as CCW limit
F=1 motor decelerates on hitting limit
A=10 enough acceleration to see ramp
V=60000 enough velocity

I also write comma-separated-variable files that can be opened in Excel... I'd be glad to share my code with you but don't know how to do that through this (or any) forum. Maybe the moderator will give you my email address.

Posted : 28/02/2013 8:30 am
Posts: 3
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I would like that. You could email me back at I would like to discuss more as to how to build the VI up. Thanks for the reply Brian. Hope to talk to you soon.

Posted : 04/03/2013 2:17 pm
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

I'm sorry we are having trouble sending contact info and files between people trying to help each other with LabView on the forum.

For a quick fix..... send an email with the topic forum... to ... and ask that chuck is copied on the email (a forum user name from you may help). I'll try to work out a safe exchange of files without breaking any forum rules.

Posted : 04/03/2013 11:10 pm
Posts: 3
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I sent the email over to support. How would I go from there?

Posted : 07/03/2013 11:07 am
Posts: 316
Reputable Member Guest

I have your email now, but I don't have Brian's yet. Hopefully he will get in touch with one of us.

Posted : 07/03/2013 11:59 am